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Using YouTube as a data source



Using YouTube API must follow YouTube terms of use. Please make sure you follow YouTube guidelines when using the API.


Currently Applicaster supports YouTube integrations on mobile.

Applicaster offers out of the box integration with YouTube Playlists and videos. Using the YouTube integration you'll be able to populate screen components with a YouTube playlist and play them inside the embedded provided YouTube player plugin.

The YouTube endpoint

For any customer that wishes to integrate with YouTube, we offer a cloud middleware endpoint. The purpose of this middleware is to translate YouTube API responses to a the format Zapp apps can understand.

Accessing the YouTube API requires a Google API Key. Using this Key, YouTube can control the API requests quota and violations of their terms an service.

Each customer should provide its own Google API Key, so all API requests will stay in the scope of his/her Google account.

Generating Google API Key

Please follow the YouTube guide on Obtaining authorization credentials to understand how to obtain an API key. YouTube provides 2 types of credentials, for integrating your app please follow API keys credential type guide.


Use the API key validator to validate the key you generated in the Google Console

Paste Your YouTube API key to test its validity

Once you have the API Key please contact your customer success representative so we'll be able to provision your cloud middleware endpoint.

YouTube API limitations

As mentioned in the YouTube Data API Overview guide, the YouTube Data API uses a quota to ensure that developers use the service as intended.

One of the benefits of using a cloud middleware endpoint is that we can cache YouTube API responses. This can reduce the API quota usage substantially, as using one API request, can serve multiple clients for a given set of time.

By default we add caching of 10 minutes to each API request, but if needed we can adjust the duration as needed.


There is always a balance between long caching periods and content refresh rate. The longer you set the cache duration, the longer clients will be able to see a change that you did on a given YouTube playlist.

Using Google Cloud Quotas section you can see your YouTube Data API v3 usage and be responsible to request more quota or ask Applicatser to adjust the cloud middleware endpoint cache control duration.