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Airship push notifications

Airship is a customer engagement platform that can help you to deliver personalized and targeted messaging to the mobile app. It’s important to note that it’s a paid service. For more information on all available features and payment plans, please visit Airship.


Set up Airship project for your app and configure messaging channel for both iOS and Android. Here's the link on how to get started.

iOS and Android

Add Airship plugin to your app:

Debug key and Debug Secret can be found in your Airship project dashboard. Paste them in relevant fields and same keys should be added in Pro Key and Pro Secret:

Save changes and re-build your app.

Obtaining the Channel ID for sending test messages

Airship SDK contains a built-in tool called the Channel Capture Tool which offers an easy way to obtain channel ID. Channel ID is the most important piece of information that you will need to track push delivery to a specific device.

Here’s a link to a tutorial from Airship on how the capture tool works.

For more information about on sending test messages, please refer to original documentation here.